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All women are beautiful in their own different ways, the quest to become more attractive than others have lead to the productions of various artificial products to aid their beauty.
But they need to be careful of the weavers they fix on their hair all in the name of becoming beautiful like an Angel for your husband or boy friend. Tracy story will give you one mpre reason to be careful. Tracy James, a worker working at a law firm in Nairobi went to an upmarket hair salon along Kenyatta Avenue, and spent more than $50 on a human hair weave.
Two weeks later she started suffering from severe headache that would not go away. She would wake up with severe headache at night.
She went to a private doctor who gave her drugs for the relief of mild to moderate pain of inflammatory origin with or without fever; they would only work for a few hours and then the headache would be back worse than even before.
Desperate, she went to see a specialist who did blood tests and even a brain scan. All the tests were negative but the headache persisted, making her unable to concentrate at work and sleeping very poorly.
She went back to her doctor who decided to examine her scalp and under the beautiful weave he found worms!
The worms were burrowing into her skull and after sending the samples to the lab they found that the hair had eggs from which the worms had hatched.
The doctor told her that the hair was probably from a corpse because those worms are usually found on dead bodies. Efforts to reach her doctor for further comments were fruitless for he was said to be out of the country.
The manager of the salon where Irene got the hair product was traumatised and said they had fitted ten weaves from the package already, adding that the particular batch of hair had sold very fast; in less than a month, she had sold over 150 pieces.
“I am shocked to hear this because this is the first time such a thing is happening to my clients. I will get more information from my supplier because we import these weaves from the UK, USA and India,” says the salon manager who did not want to be mentioned.
She continued to say: “Maybe, the supplier sent us rejects from the factory or weaves that had overstayed in the stores but I promise to follow up on the matter and compensate Irene.”
Irene had to shave after this ordeal and took antibiotics for two weeks.
Dr CK Musau, a surgeon at Nairobi hospital says that he has dealt with more than ten cases of the same in a period of six months.
He further urges ladies to be very careful with what they put on their heads, and adds that it is better to appreciate natural beauty and be content with what God has blessed them instead of chasing artificial beauty.
“It is unfortunate how the West has influenced Kenyan youth; especially ladies. They should stick to their natural African beauty as opposed to trying to ape what they see,” says Musau.
Dr Musau reiterated that the youth must keep in mind that of late, Kenyans can sell anything: from body parts to human beings to used coffins and now even weaves that seem to come from corpses.

Elsewhere, 16-year-old girl from Buruburu, a Nairobi surburb, also suffered the same fate but unfortunately for her she died. Cobweb eggs were found in her hair after she died.
There was a profound cobweb design in her weaved hair. She dropped dead after constant headaches.
The root cause? The weave had unnoticed spider eggs. The warmth produced after weaving provided a very conducive environment for the eggs to hatch.
A spider grew in her scalp and bit her. The poison found its way to her blood. She could not survive the attack.
IT SEEMS so ironic: Even when people face the threat of losing their job, their home, and even their pension, many of them are still obsessed with getting anything and everything that money can buy.
Such people are easy targets for advertisers, whose seductive marketing campaigns tell us that we must have a bigger home, a better car, and brand-name clothes. No cash? No problem—buy on credit! For many, the goal is to look well-off even if they are deep in debt.
Of course, sooner or later reality sets in. “Buying flashy consumer goods on credit in order to look and feel like a winner is similar to hitting the crack pipe in order to improve your mood,” says the book The Narcissism Epidemic. “Both are initially cheap and work really well—but only for a very short period of time. In the long term both leave you penniless and depressed.”
The Bible exposes the folly of what it calls “the showy display of one’s means of life.” (1 John 2:16) The fact is, an obsession with possessions distracts us from the very things that matter most in life—the things that money cannot buy. Consider three examples.
A teenager in the United States, feels that her father places too much importance on his job and the money it provides. “We have everything we need and more,” she says, “but my dad is never home because he is always traveling. I know it’s because of his work, but I think he has a responsibility to his family too!”

IT SEEMS so ironic: Even when people face the threat of losing their job, their home, and even their pension, many of them are still obsessed with getting anything and everything that money can buy.
Such people are easy targets for advertisers, whose seductive marketing campaigns tell us that we must have a bigger home, a better car, and brand-name clothes. No cash? No problem—buy on credit! For many, the goal is to look well-off even if they are deep in debt.
Of course, sooner or later reality sets in. “Buying flashy consumer goods on credit in order to look and feel like a winner is similar to hitting the crack pipe in order to improve your mood,” says the book The Narcissism Epidemic. “Both are initially cheap and work really well—but only for a very short period of time. In the long term both leave you penniless and depressed.”
The Bible exposes the folly of what it calls “the showy display of one’s means of life.” (1 John 2:16) The fact is, an obsession with possessions distracts us from the very things that matter most in life—the things that money cannot buy. Consider three examples.
“My mom is always telling me that I need to marry a man with a lot of money and learn a trade so that I can have a good job to fall back on for the rest of my life,” says 17-year-old Sarah. “The only thing that seems to be on her mind is where her next paycheck is coming from.”
To think about: When contemplating the future, what legitimate concerns do you have? When does legitimate concern cross the line and become inordinate worry? How might Sarah’s mom provide a more balanced approach to financial security?
Bible principles to consider:
“Stop storing up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break in and steal.”—Matthew 6:19.
“You do not know what your life will be tomorrow.”—James 4:14.
The bottom line: There is more to a secure future than stockpiling money. After all, money can be stolen—and it cannot cure disease or prevent death. (Ecclesiastes 7:12) The Bible teaches that genuine security comes from knowing God and his purpose.—John 17:3.
“My parents raised me to live simply,” says 24-year-old Tanya. “My twin sister and I were happy growing up, even though much of the time we had only enough to get by.”
To think about: Why might it be difficult to be content with basic necessities? When it comes to attitudes toward money, what example do you set for your family?
Bible principles to consider:
“Having sustenance and covering, we shall be content with these things.”—1 Timothy 6:8.
“Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need.”—Matthew 5:3.
The bottom line: There is more to life than money and the things it can buy. After all, it is as the Bible says: “Even when a person has an abundance his life does not result from the things he possesses.” (Luke 12:15) Really, the greatest satisfaction in life comes from answering important questions such as these:
Why are we here?
What does the future hold?
How can I fill my spiritual needs?

Having a girlfriend or boyfriend can be a whole lot of fun and always the dreams of most of us, It becomes frustrating when he or she starts acting unusual, act different around you and seek for every opportunity to leave you. It could be a problem with trust issues or he or she wants some freedom from you. But he or she also might be cheating on you. Here are some signs to tell he or she is cheating on you:
1. He or She use to be someone that was caring, loving and understanding, and suddenly they have become moody suddenly, and eager to start fights? Sometimes, a cheating lover will displace his or her shame, anger, and guilt onto you by starting a fight, which can then be blamed on you. In short, they need a place to throw off their negative feelings. So they can get involve in any activities that will make them fight you.
2. Routine: Is he or she, for instance, coming home from work later than usual on some nights? Sometimes these small changes to a person's routine mean nothing more than life has given them a reason to be unavailable, but they are still something that you want to be aware of, they could be spending time with someone they just met, or having a date with, but do not think too much about it, make sure you ask him about work and what have been going on in his or her place of work.
3. Does he/she allow you to touch, or look through their phone, emails, etc.? If your boyfriend or girlfriend is hiding their phone from you, or deleting all their messages before letting you have it, then there is something they don't want you to see. In most cases they might be scared you will get angry and heart broken.
4. Notice how often they leave the room when they receive calls, especially if he or she was someone that always stay with you when she receives most of her calls. If you ask who called or text ed them, do they always tell you "It's nobody or a friend or family member that often Text them?" These are also important signals, which show that your fiancee, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. has something to hide.
5. Is your boyfriend or girlfriend is constantly putting someone else down? They may be saying awful things about that person, but pay attention to the fact that they are still talking about them 24/7. They are trying to fool you into believing the person is undesirable, thus throwing the suspicion off them.
6. Do they have other email accounts, or other online accounts? Or begin to, out of nowhere, change their passwords to keep you out of their accounts? Normally, if they didn't give you their password to start with, this is no problem. But if they've suddenly changed it to protect messages they've written, or chats they've had, you should be aware.
7. Has your boyfriend or girlfriend stopped talking to you? Did your significant other always have things to say, and has suddenly become distant? Your relationship may be losing intimacy because your lover has started a new one with someone else.

8. Does he or she become angry when you come over unannounced, or only text you when they are at home, never calling you? These are also signs of a between-the-sheets betrayal. For some reason, they do not want you at their home at certain times, and they do not want to call you while they are at home.
9. Watch for earring on passenger side of the car, or a condom is behind their bed or even in the car, extra time will probably be taken to dispose of those items.
10. Does he smell different when he comes near you? Everyone knows this one is cliche, but it is also true. If he's coming around smelling like a perfume that you don't wear, then he's been too close with someone who wears it or probably hug the person .
11. Have his or her friends begun to act oddly around you? When you casually talk to his friends, do they seem anxious, nervous, or eager to leave? They probably know something you don't know.
12. Notice whether he begins to buy you gifts out of nowhere, or she starts casually mentioning an end to your relationship. Questions such as, "What would you do if we broke up," are key hints. Men and women, both, become guilty. This guilt can easily be forgotten with an action or item for the other person that makes the cheater seem selfless.
13. Catch them in a lie. Casually ask a boyfriend or girlfriend where they were such and such day, and let them answer. Remember their answer, and ask again a few days later. If they are lying constantly, then they will have a hard time keeping up. They may start to get angry with these simple questions, another big hint.
Please your suggestions and opinions count here, so do well to comment and tell us what you think and what your contribution could me.
Your comments will be highly appreciated.
Many parents have maltreated their teenagers without knowing what they can do when a teenager constantly seems to be irritated by their rules. Your teenager says you are too strict. Your instincts tell you otherwise. ‘If I relax the rules,’ you say to yourself, ‘he will just get into trouble!’
You can set reasonable rules for your teenager. First, though, you need to understand what might be causing him to chafe against the rules in the first place.
All teenagers rebel against rules; it’s an unavoidable part of

adolescence. A teenager is less likely to rebel when parents set reasonable rules and discuss them with him. Although a number of factors may be involved in rebellion, parents may unwittingly encourage it if their rules are inflexible or no longer age appropriate. Consider the following:
Inflexible. When parents lay down the law and there is no room for discussion, rules become more like a straitjacket that stifles the teen rather than a seat belt that protects him. As a result, he may secretly engage in the very acts that his parents forbid.
No longer age appropriate. “Because I said so” may be enough explanation for a young child, but adolescents need more—they need reasons. After all, in the near future, your teenager may be living on his own and making weighty decisions. It’s far better that he learn to reason well and make good decisions now, while he’s still under your supervision.
1. First, realize that teenagers need—and deep down even want—boundaries. So set rules, and make sure your teenager understands them. “When adolescents are given clear boundaries and expect a reasonable amount of parental supervision, they are less likely to engage in worrisome behaviors.
2. Before making a decision, though, remember this: While teenagers tend to ask for more freedom than they should have, parents may tend to grant less freedom than they could. So give serious consideration to your teenager’s request. Has he demonstrated that he is responsible? Do the circumstances warrant a concession? Be willing to bend when appropriate.
3. How, then, can you show balance? Let your teenager express himself about family rules. For example, if he asks for an adjustment to his curfew, listen to him as he presents his case. A teenager who knows that he has been fully heard is more likely to respect and comply with the decision you make—even if he does not agree with it.
4. Besides listening to your teenager’s feelings, make sure that you let your teenager know your concerns as well. By doing so, you may teach him to consider not only his wishes but also the feelings of others.
5. Finally, make a decision and explain your reasons for it. Even if he is not thrilled with the decision, likely he is glad to have parents who will hear him out. Remember, an adolescent is an adult in training. By setting reasonable rules and discussing them with your teenager, you will help him grow to become a responsible adult.
Terry was a young man who fell in love with a lady named Ann , they were so much in love that they decided to get married to each other , the relationship grew further and Ann became pregnant, it was a joyous moment for the family after 10 years of marriage with no pregnancy.
During Ann pregnancy periods Terry was always eating out cause he didn't know how to cook, his mother in law said she would be willing to always go and prepare food for her son in law in their home during Ann's stay in the hospital , prior to this period she was doing everything to seduce Terry( her son in law) . Looking at Terry seductively , watching him naked as he was bathing , and even demanding for a peck that turns into kiss, all this was unknown to Ann. When she does observe she takes it that her mom will never hurt her not even in her marriage.
Terry couldn't tell his wife that was in the hospital because she was soon to give birth to a bouncing baby, so he kept the secret of his seductive mother in law to himself not knowing the situation will get worst, hence he was finally lured into sex by his mother in law and became a regular sex partner of his mother in law.
During this period the mother in law attitude change towards her husband ( Ann's father ) she became disrespectful and rude , though Ann's father was in a financial plight and couldn't support the family . It got to the stage where the two sex partners became too regular with their sexual activities , eventually Ann's mom became pregnant as confirmed by their family doctor . Ann's father had an heart attack when he got the news and was admitted in a nearby hospital. Terry was brutally beaten by Ann's elder brother, for impregnating his sister and mother between the space of 8 months. Now Ann's mom is rejected by her immediate family even Ann's grandmother and grandfather have rejected her mother ( Terry fuck mate ) because her act of infidelity is a taboo against their tradition .
Few months later Ann's mom was in labor and her condition became critical, the doctor demanded that a family member sign some documents for a surgery to be done so as to save her life and that of the unborn child .
Now Ann's mom life is in peril and the life of the unborn baby, remember the baby is innocent to the adulterous attitude of the adults , So please what will you suggest the family to do if you were related to them ? Please leave a comment as it could go along way to save someone's life and help someone make the right decision.