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A guy (Names withheld) dated a girl for 2 years without sexual intercourse. Even after the Introduction, the girl did not allow him to touch her so a wedding date was fixed. The day before the wedding was the bachelors eve so all his friends were in attendance with their girlfriends and fun rented the air. It was wild and captivating, in time he became horny from watching his friends and their partners and again his Fiancee turned him down begging him to wait a little longer. At last the D-Day came and the groom was patiently waiting for the wedding to come to an end. Finally they became Man and Wife!

Back in their matrimonial home, the man invited his woman to the bathroom but she refused that she is too shy to take a bath with him. After that he made passes but she complained of tiredness and needed some rest. He got mad and left her alone. At 10pm, a 5 man armed robbers attacked the neighborhood and their apartment was not spared. They robbed them and decided to rape the wife. The first disvirgined her and others took turns in ravaging her. She lost her consciousness and was rushed to the hospital. After she regained her consciousness, her dear husband sent her packing.
Did he do the right thing by sending her away? What would you do if you were in his shoes?

Every woman's dream is to get married someday, even the divorced wants to remarry. Despite the number of separation and divorce daily, many are still dreaming of their wedding day. It's beautiful and encouraging but how many of these women and of course men have really taken their time to prepare for MARRIAGE? Do they even realize that marriage is worth preparing for?
Marriage is an institution, yes but unlike other institutions, no one ever graduates. But you can earn your certificates as the years roll by in many forms- raising wonderful kids is one. In this institution, you are expected to be the lecturer and not the student so ill preparation leads to frustrations, fight, heartbreaks and poverty in many cases.
Ways To Prepare for Marriage
1) Attend seminars on marital issues, learn from the experienced. You don't have to get burnt to learn. The best way to learn is by observation especially in this case.
2) Invest your time and resources in yourself as a single man/woman. Formal Education is a very good way but to be double-sure, learn a trade, craft, bead making anything that will boost your income.
3) Understand that your Love for each other may take a leave sometimes, be prepared to keep the family together until Love gets back.
4) Find someone, do not attempt to change that man/woman into your idea of a spouse. study them. Can you tolerate him/her?
5) Money Management. This is very very important as the lack of money causes friction in a marriage. Enroll for some causes in finances and better learn how to manage the family income and expenditure.
6) Create a forgiving heart because in Marriage, you'll find many reasons to throw in the towel.
7) When the going gets tough, get tougher. Seek marital therapy not divorce.
Ask all the hard questions before marriage. Know the difference between Marriage & Wedding. Unite your goals and watch them grow in a few years when the time seems right, then settle down.
If you prepare yourselves adequately before going into marriage, the burden will be minimal and you will experience the Joy of Marital life. You will never have to ask the question 'Are you the woman/man I married?.
This is the true life story of a woman called Rebecca, she came out of an abusive marriage, as she gave birth to 2 kids for the husband, at a point she decided to get a divorce, so she left the Husband.
After been through many ordeals the kids were staying with their father, so she relocated from Jefferson Ohio to another city in Ohio named Cleveland ,
Wife cheating on Husband |
she got lucky and got a job,so she was staying with a girl friend, as time went on she had a misunderstanding with her girlfriend, so she had to leave the House. Got another apartment she was sharing with a room mate named Daniel, they lived together sharing apartment and at a point they became intimate and started having sex.
Prior to this period she tried the internet online dating sites, and was talking to a man ( Larry) she met online and was so in love with this man, the man made a lot of promises to her and told her she was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. She loved this man so much and knew she would marry him immediately if they were in the altar. Larry sent her an engagement ring, she lost contact with this Larry, even though she lived with the thoughts of him with each passing day and missed him more than oxygen but had to live on waiting for him to come.
After involvement in many sexual activities with Daniel her room mate,

Daniel was taking good care of Rebecca and taking care of all the bills, so they decided to marry each other, and was living a happy family life there after. Three years after marriage Larry (Rebecca online partner) got in touch with Rebecca, it was one of the happiest day for Rebecca as she missed Larry so much and their love became rekindled. She had to continue having an extra marital affairs and was so much in love with Larry, she told Larry about her marriage with Daniel cos she had no choice then, but he still wants her even though she is married, after all he met her before Daniel.
Now Rebecca does not want to hurt Daniel as she realize he love her so much and care about her,
and he was the man that gave her shelter when they was no one, but still she love Larry so much and wouldn't want Larry to go, according to her Larry is her life . So she is considering running away with Larry. She is so confused she cannot LIVE WITHOUT HIM.